ZyGoLife 2016 Workshop
ZyGoLife 2016
ZyGoLife 2016 Workshop was an all day affair. It was hosted by JGI on August the 7th and included 35 participants from 12 institutions. Each lab presented a 20-minute update on research directly related to the ZyGoLife project followed by 10 minutes of discussion. At the end of the meeting there was a 1.5 hour discussion on goals for the second year of the project. Particular discussion topics included Tier II sampling of genomes for our JGI CSP, prioritization of analyses and papers, development of Broader Impacts, and scheduling workshops for 2017. Our Tier II sampling will focus on unsampled genera of zygomycetes with particular emphasis on greater phylogenetic coverage of the Zoopagomycotina, Entomophthoromycotina and Kickxellomycotina. Our tentative plans for 2017 workshops include a collecting and bioimaging workshop at Arizona State and a teaching workshop at MSA 2017 in Athens, GA. Stay tuned for more information on these workshops.
And if we were not yet official, we took our group photos and JGI double helix.
ZyGoLife 2016 Attendees
- Arizona State University: Robby Roberson, Karen Fisher
- Boise State University: Merlin White, Michael McCormick
- DOE Joint Genome Institute: Igor Grigoriev, Stephen Mondo, Alan Kou, Stephen Ahrendt, Asef Salamov
- Duke University: Rytas Vilgalys, Jessie Uehling, Alejandro Roja
- Michigan State University: Greg Bonito, Natalie Vande Pol
- Oregon State University: Joey Spatafora, Ying Chang
- The University of Michigan: Tim James, Kevin Amses, William Davis, Alisha Quandt
- USDA ARS Peoria: Kerry O’Donnell
- University of British Columbia: Mary Berbee, Benjamin Auxier, Anna Bazzicaluipo, Jaclyn Dee, Ludovic Le Renard
- University of California, Riverside: Jason Stajich, Nuttapon Pombubpa, Sawyer Masonjones, Derreck Carter-House
- University of Florida: Matt Smith, Nicole Reynolds, Katy Lazarus, Alija Mujic
- University of Toronto: Yan Wang
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New Zygo genomes - March 2017 edition